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Hello Ladies, I don't know if you've experienced this, but I looked in my mirror one morning (this was about 15 years ago) and I saw this woman...and I didn't know who she was.  She looked like me, she talked like me, she walked like me, she even dressed like me, but I knew deep down inside this woman wasn't me.  I stood there staring at this fearful, broken, powerless shell of a woman and murmured, "Who the heck are you!!!"  It was in that moment I realized this woman was an imposter.  Perhaps you've experienced the same thing.


So let me tell you what this woman was doing; things I said I'd never do.  She was giving away my power, seeking other people's approval, trying to prove her value and her worth; people pleasing and OMG!!!  The list goes on. 


Well I'm bringing together a small group of women for a Heart-to-Heart, Get Real, Authentic discussion about the woman in our mirrors.  And if by chance the woman in your mirror is an imposter, we're going to be discussing the dangers of allowing her to go about her day impersonating you.


If you would like to participate in this powerful discussion,


1)  Respond to this message by texting "Cathy I'm in".


2)  Download a copy of my eBook, "Woman Find Thyself".

3)  And read the chapter entitled, "Identity Theft".



Dec. 6th and 7th at 7:00 p.m.


Chat & Chew

Dec. 10th at 6:30 p.m.

My Place


I am sooo excited y'all!!!  Can't wait to see you! :-)​


Details will be provided to those who will be attending


Ladies, this is my first event

of this kind, so it's

"By Invitation Only"

For Now


 RSVP by November 28th 


If you're not able to attend, please let me know so someone else can take your place.



Cathy Upshire,

Wholeness Strategist

Online Course:

Excavating to Recover Your Authentic Self

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